Tuesday, April 26, 2005

Boxing and Unboxing

There are many situations in which it is convenient to treat a value type as a reference type. Let's say that you wanted to create an ArrayList object (a type defined in the System.Collections namespace) to hold a set of Points. The code might look like Figure 3.
With each iteration of the loop, a Point value type is initialized. Then, the Point is stored in the ArrayList. But let's think about this for a moment. What is actually being stored in the ArrayList? Is it the Point structure, the address of the Point structure, or something else entirely? To get the answer, you must look up the ArrayList's Add method and see what type its parameter is defined as. In this case, you see that the Add method is prototyped in the following manner:

public virtual void Add(Object value)

The previous code plainly shows that Add takes an Object as a parameter. Object always identifies a reference type. But here I'm passing p, which is a Point value type. For this code to work, the Point value type must be converted into a true heap-managed object, and a reference to this object must be obtained.
Converting a value type to a reference type is called boxing. Internally, here's what happens when a value type is boxed:

Memory is allocated from the heap. The amount of memory allocated is the size required by the value type plus any additional overhead to consider this value a true object. The additional overhead includes a pointer to a virtual method table and a pointer to a sync block.

The value type's bits are copied to the newly allocated heap memory.

The address of the object is returned. This address is now a reference type.

Some language compilers, like C#, automatically produce the IL code necessary to box the value type, but it is important that you understand what's going on under the covers so that you are aware of code size and performance issues.
When the Add method is called, memory is allocated in the heap for a Point object. The members currently residing in the Point value type (p) are copied into the newly allocated Point object. The address of the Point object (a reference type) is returned and is then passed to the Add method. The Point object will remain in the heap until it is garbage-collected. The Point value type variable (p) can be reused or freed since the ArrayList never knows anything about it. Boxing enables a unified view of the type system, where a value of any type can ultimately be treated as an object.
The opposite of boxing is, of course, unboxing. Unboxing retrieves a reference to the value type (data fields) contained within an object. Internally, the following is what happens when a reference type is unboxed:

The common language runtime first ensures that the reference type variable is not null and that it refers to an object that is a boxed value of the desired value type. If either test fails, then an InvalidCastException exception is generated.

If the types do match, then a pointer to the value type contained inside the object is returned. The value type that this pointer refers to does not include the usual overhead associated with a true object: a pointer to a virtual method table and a sync block.

Note that boxing always creates a new object and copies the unboxed value's bits to the object. On the other hand, unboxing simply returns a pointer to the data within a boxed object: no memory copy occurs. However, it is commonly the case that your code will cause the data pointed to by the unboxed reference to be copied anyway.
The following code demonstrates boxing and unboxing:

public static void Main() {
Int32 v = 5; // Create an unboxed value type variable
Object o = v; // o refers to a boxed version of v
v = 123; // Changes the unboxed value to 123

Console.WriteLine(v + ", " + (Int32) o); // Displays "123, 5"

From this code, can you guess how many boxing operations occur? You might be surprised to discover that the answer is three! Let's analyze the code carefully to really understand what's going on.
First, an Int32 unboxed value type (v) is created and initialized to 5. Then an Object reference type (o) is created and it wants to point to v. But reference types must always point to objects in the heap, so C# generated the proper IL code to box v and stored the address of the boxed version of v in o. Now 123 is unboxed and the referenced data is copied into the unboxed value type v; this has no effect on the boxed version of v, so the boxed version keeps its value of 5. Note that this example shows how o is unboxed (which returns a pointer to the data in o), and then the data in o is memory copied to the unboxed value type v.
Now, you have the call to WriteLine. WriteLine wants a String object passed to it but you don't have a String object. Instead, you have these three items: an Int32 unboxed value type (v), a string, and an Int32 reference (or boxed) type (o). These must somehow be combined to create a String.
To accomplish this, the C# compiler generates code that calls the String object's static Concat method. There are several overloaded versions of Concat. All of them perform identically; the difference is in the number of parameters. Since you want to format a string from three items, the compiler chooses the following version of the Concat method:

public static String Concat(Object arg0, Object arg1, Object arg2);

For the first parameter, arg0, v is passed. But v is an unboxed value parameter and arg0 is an Object, so v must be boxed and the address to the boxed v is passed for arg0. For the arg1 parameter, the address of the ", " string is passed, identifying the address of a String object. Finally, for the arg2 parameter, o (a reference to an Object) was cast to an Int32. This creates a temporary Int32 value type that receives the unboxed version of the value currently referred to by o. This temporary Int32 value type must be boxed once again with the memory address being passed for Concat's arg2 parameter.
Once Concat is called, it calls each of the specified object's ToString methods and concatenates each object's string representation. The String object returned from Concat is then passed to WriteLine to show the final result.
I should point out that the generated IL code would be more efficient if the call to WriteLine were written as follows:

Console.WriteLine(v + ", " + o); // Displays "123, 5"

This line is identical to the previous version except that I've removed the (Int32) cast that preceded the variable o. This code is more efficient because o is already a reference type to an Object and its address may simply be passed to the Concat method. So, removing the cast saved both an unbox and a box operation.
Here is another example that demonstrates boxing and unboxing:

public static void Main() {
Int32 v = 5; // Create an unboxed value type variable
Object o = v; // o refers to the boxed version of v

v = 123; // Changes the unboxed value type to 123
Console.WriteLine(v); // Displays "123"

v = (Int32) o; // Unboxes o into v
Console.WriteLine(v); // Displays "5"

How many boxing operations do you count in this code? The answer is one. There is only one boxing operation because there is a WriteLine method that accepts an Int32 as a parameter:

public static void WriteLine(Int32 value);

In the two calls to WriteLine, the variable v (an Int32 unboxed value type) is passed by value. Now, it may be that WriteLine will box this Int32 internally, but you have no control over that. The important thing is that you've done the best you could and have eliminated the boxing from your code.
If you know that the code you're writing is going to cause the compiler to generate a lot of boxing code, you will get smaller and faster code if you manually box value types, as shown in Figure 4.
The C# compiler automatically generates boxing and unboxing code. This makes programming easier, but it hides the overhead from the programmer who is concerned with performance. Like C#, other languages may also hide boxing or unboxing details. However, some languages may force the programmer to explicitly write boxing or unboxing code. For example, C++ with Managed Extensions requires that the programmer explicitly box value types using the __box operator; unboxing a value type is done by casting the boxed type to its unboxed equivalent using dynamic_cast.
One last note: if a value type doesn't override a virtual method defined by System.ValueType, then this method can only be called on the boxed form of the value type. This is because only the boxed form of the object has a pointer to a virtual method table. Methods defined directly with the value type can be called on boxed and unboxed versions of the value.

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